
Los Angeles Inner City Location: Spa 6 designated area (South Central Los Angeles) Research beforehand: Behavior & empirical research, canvassing of the scientific literature, extrapolating relevant research findings to formulate a persuasive press release grounded in scientific facts.


The goal was to create an effective press release for the launch of a fitness app aimed at curtailing the chronic disease burden among minorities.


Through evidence-based research, the press release sought to (1) promote the launch of its app (2) describe the health burden and the health inequity gap in underserved communities, and (3) present a solution by way of a fitness gamification app to promote healthy habits.


Drawing from evidence-based research, this press release was an effective way to not only introduce a solution but help reduce the chronic burden among at-risk populations through the use of fitness gamification. Canvassing of the scientific literature was used beforehand to identify health challenges and find relevant communication framework to remove attitudinal barriers and shift behaviors.